Category Archives: Blog

Blog entries from Robin Greene, author of Augustus: Narrative of a Slave Woman

Oaxaca Women’s Writing Retreat: Lifting Your Creative Voice

Yes, another Oaxaca Women’s Writing Retreat: Lifting Your Creative Voice is scheduled for March 2-9, 2012. Read about last year’s retreat, and contact Robin or Norma for more information.

Bending over the comal

In addition to daily writing workshops, I met one-on-one with participants so that each writer felt nurtured and personally served.

The retreat offered an opportunity to write on one’s own, but there was plenty to do in the village of Teotitlan del Valle. We had daily scheduled yoga, stretching and meditation sessions, and shiatsu massage. And, of course, there was ample time for other activities such as walking, hiking, bird-watching, and visiting village weaving and artists’ studios.